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You’re one step away from getting a $850 Walmart gift card

By completing this simple 3-minute survey, you add yourself to the list of people getting a Walmart gift card for up to $850.
Do you like shopping at Walmart and want to save some budget on upcoming purchases? Don’t waste your chance!


author Kevin Smith

A full shopping cart for $0 spent - I just can’t believe it!

author Lily Lewis

Imagine - you’re going to Walmart, get a $850 worth of products to your cart, go to the cashdesk and… pay zero! Yep, that’s not a dream, it got real! Getting a $850 Walmart card online for spending 3 minutes on a customer survey - done!

author Fred Riley

I’m rarely, like, “buying” such promising programs online, but Walmart is one love. So, I’ve tried and look what I’ve got now - a real, working $850 shopping card!

1 All from our partners that you may see on the site before reaching the Deals pages. Optional offers are not Deals. Completing optional offers or survey question does not count toward earning you Reward. You may also be asked about consent to telemarketing. You do not need to consent to earn a Reward.

2 Deals may include mobile and apps, subscription products and services, free trials and many more. Some of the Deals we offer are free, while many require a purchase to complete.

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